Christopher took the afternoon off of work, to execute the plan. He'd spent Monday and Tuesday preparing the details. He gathered the necessary decorations and thought everything was set. Wednesday afternoon, Lauren calls with good news. Her last client of the day had canceled their appointment. She would be home early! Hooray....time for plan B. Was there a plan B?
Quickly, he improvised. Instead of decorating her apartment himself, he enlisted the help of a couple of friends. He told Lauren he had to work late, and took the time to drop everything off with Gabe, along with instructions. He and Lauren would go shoppin, and when they left, he'd text message Gabe. When they left for the apartment, Christopher would text him again, to let him know they were on their way.
Everything was running smoothly again. Lauren remarked how patient he'd been as she browsed the entire store, up and down every aisle. He just smiled. Upon leaving, Christopher sent another text to Gabe, but didn't get a response. This made him a little nervous.
Pulling into the parking lot, he noticed Gabe's car. He must not have gotten the text. Anxiously he began driving around. "What are you doing?" Lauren queried. "Just trying to find a spot where I can see my car from your window." With that, he pulled back around in front of Lauren's apartment.
"Oh my gosh! Someone is in my apartment!" Sure enough. Christopher could see his friends in the window. "No, Lauren, I don't see anyone." He slowly pulled into a parking place. "Chris, there IS someone in my apartment." Lauren got out of the car quickly.
On there way in, they passed Gabe and Shannon. Not knowing what to do, Christopher pretended he didn't see them and kept walking. Lauren stopped. "What are you doing here? Were you in my apartment? What's going on?" The questions came flying out. Their friends mumbled something about they just stopped by, but Christopher just kept walking. Lauren became a little frantic. By the time she opened her door, her hands were shaking and she was still asking what was going on. Christopher took her by the hand and led her to her room.

Inside, candles were lit. The room was adorned with flowers. Spread across the bed were 63 photographs of Christopher and Lauren together. He had printed up 1 for every month they'd been together. On each photo, he'd written a quote, bible verse, or sentiment on love and/or marriage. Lauren began to cry and buried her head in his shoulder. After a moment, Christopher told her to look at the photos. He then reached in a drawer, where Gabe had put the ring. He dropped to one knee and took Lauren by the hand.

(If I know what love is, it is because of you. Herman Hesse)
"Lauren, we have been together for five years. My love for you has yet to be quenched and I would like to spend the rest of my life trying to do so...will you marry me?"

She said yes.
Oooh, how romantic! Congratulations to them and to you!
Ohhh.. I just love LOVE STORIES ! that was sooo perfect ! I know they will be happy and blessed of the Lord !!!
Thank you for sharing this ! It made me cry !!
I feel so priveleged to know the details! Congratulations once again!
What a creative, romantic way to propose! The ring is gorgeous, too! (I even clicked on the pic to see it bigger! LOL) May God bless Christopher and Lauren with many, many happy years as husband and wife!
Quite the romantic!
What a guy!! Good job Christopher, it sounds like he is quite a romantic. Congratulations to the two of them. To you all!
The time it must have taken to prepare all those photos! Oh, Lauren, keep them in a special album so you can go back and read the captions over and over. That is awesome! What a beautiful way to propose!!
Oh to have a romantic guy!!! Congratulations to them
what a beautiful gift for your mommy heart.
this was a GREAT read... well done!
Wow! Your son is such a romantic! Great job teaching him that, Joanne! And congrats!
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