Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Ketchup or Catchup

I have a lot of catching up to do.

I believe I mentioned I don't multi-task, and I'm not even sure I can call it that. I am single-focused. That means if I'm busy with one thing I can't even think about the next event until the first is over. Christopher asked me last week how the Rehearsal Dinner planning was coming along. I said, "I don't know." Ask me next week when graduation is over.

I'm not thinking about it today either. I am at the U.S. District Court House. As a prospective Juror, I have to be downtown by 7:00a.m. I am not normally even dressed at 7. Sarabeth is off to London, so I'm supposed to be taking Hilary to school at 7:00. But instead, I have left at 6:30a.m.

After the energy I am putting forth and the sacrifices I am making, I hope I get to sit in on a trial. If I come home after all of this without performing my civic duty of being a juror, I will be sorely disappointed. Or maybe just sleeping.


Heth said...

I vote for the sleeping. Is it going to be a juicy trial? Curious minds...

His Girl said...

my hubby has jury duty this week, too. so far he hasn't had to go in yet... but time will tell :)

Anonymous said...

Oh! I hope it was a wonderful weekend for you!

I remember filling out the form for jury duty and being so scared I'd have to serve on it. I think there was even a question on the form asking if there was anything that should keep me from serving on jury duty (that's not exactly it, but something like that). I tried desperately to think of something but couldn't. I sent my form in and never heard back.