I need to put my scrapbooking supplies away. I'd been searching for a photo of my mom and me. I wanted to post one for Mother's Day. I found 3 or 4 from the past 25 years. It seems it is usually my mom or I that takes the pictures. I vowed to get more soon. Here is the most recent one with my mom and dad:

Ethan was here for a few hours on Mother's Day. He had a rough week. I noticed he found my photos. Thankfully, I noticed 40 or so that he'd thrown in the garbage. He also found my fancy scissors and pens. One photo I found of both my mom and dad was ripped in half, as were a number of other pictures. I don't blame him. These things happen. I don't feel very motivated to reorganize and put things away though. I'm afraid of what else I might find.
Remember when I posted how excited I was for Ethan to attend the Autistic school? That was in December and he didn't actually start until April? I posted about how the school wouldn't pay for the the summer and if Christina couldn't come up with the difference they wouldn't accept him? Did I tell you that thanks to the tax stimulus rebate and such the money was available? Yesterday she found out it didn't really matter. The school has "changed their mind" and won't pay for him to go in the Fall, even though they had verbally said he was approved beginning last November for at least a year. Instead, he gets to attend school for a mere 3 months.

I'm sorry. Sometimes it is just that kind of day. But if any of you happens to win the lottery and begin feeling very generous, I know a little boy who would love to keep going to school.
Lovely picture of you and your parents! So sorry about the school situation with Ethan - I will keep you all in my prayers - maybe things will turn around.
Take care- see you soon - Kellan
Oh, no, Joanne. I am so sorry.
I look at Ethan and wish there was something we could do for him. He is such a sweet-looking little man, and you can't help but want the best of everything for him.
I hope there is a happy solution out there, somewhere. I know there is, to correct myself. There must be.
That is a tremendous blow, not good for Ethan at all. He will just begin to get acclimated and then have to leave and start over somewhere else. Not good at all. I would be so angry and so hurt if I were Christina! Ethan and Christina are certainly in my prayers.
BOOOOOOOO That just makes me sad too. Man! I hate this for your family. May God show you soon what His bigger, better plan is.
Joanne, That just breaks my heart for Ethan and Christina. I know you don't need anything else to "do", but maybe you could contact your congress man, the school board or someone higher up at the new school and become an advocate for Ethan and other little boys like him. The state really should do something for kids in need.
I"m so sorry about Ethan's school situation. There are laws about such things...I'm going to check with special ed at school today....I'm not sure what state you are in, but the law for special needs children is national and it provides for their education from age 3 to 21. There is a child advocate in your state. I'm not sure what it would be called, but I'll do whatever checking I can.
I'm sorry about the way Ethan's schooling is going. I hope that you are able to find an even better place for him. Everything happens for a reason!
The law that PJ is talking about is called the 504 law. Going to look it up now. Please check your email.
Oh, no, how can they do that to him? That is awful. I'm so sorry about this.
The photo with your parents is priceless. Maybe you can tape and scan the ripped one and have it restored/re-developed.
This reminds me of when my oldest was about 3 and I found that he had taken a whole pack of photos and crinkled them all up like garbage! Since then, they are kept far away from little hands.
I can certainly understand why you'd be having a bit of a down day... I really feel for you.
But hang in there, if the money appeared to cover a few months, then things may just fall into place for a more permanent situation.
Sending lots of love and prayers your way. xx
That is just sad. Why on earth would they do that? I'm so sorry. That's just not fair
Oh Joanne I would be so frustrated if I were you.
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