Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Decision Day

The day has finally arrived. Never have I heard such venomous arguments between people of opposing political sides. Friends, family members, co-workers spewing angry, degrading remarks at one another, because of their particular party persuation. What a show we have put on for the rest of the world in the "United" States of America.

The phrase "United we stand, divided we fall resounds in my ears." Patrick Henry used the phrase in his last public speech, given in March 1799, in which he denounced The Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions. Clasping his hands and waving his body back and forth, Henry declaimed, “Let us trust God, and our better judgment to set us right hereafter. United we stand, divided we fall. Let us not split into factions which must destroy that union upon which our existence hangs.” At the end of his oration, Henry fell into the arms of bystanders and was carried almost lifeless into a nearby tavern. Two months afterward he was dead.*

The Kentucky & Virginia Resolutions were written to keep more control at the State Level in order to oppose Federal Laws. Power. Control. Who is in charge of making decisions for the people?

Doesn't seem like much has changed, but I did find the little tidbit of Patrick Henry's demise interesting.

*From Wikipedia


Anonymous said...

If we could actually be united, to look for truth, find facts and be able to discuss without becoming defensive, we might actually find strong common ground on which to stand.

I'll be glad when this is over. In the meantime we should be on our knees - every day - always! God does hear and He does care.

Anonymous said...
