Saturday, November 29, 2008

Thanksgiving Leftovers

Outside everything is blanketed in snow. I love how it clings to the bare tree branches, as if to clothe their winter nakedness. It's a perfect day to put on a pot of homemade soup and bake bread. So soon after Thanksgiving, one would think I'd whip up turkey vegetable soup. And I would. If I could.

After a lovely Thanksgiving dinner, our wonderful guests cleaned up everything. It wasn't as if I just kicked back and did nothing. I put a few things away. But as I looked at the paltry leftovers in the refrigerator, I couldn't recall stripping the last of the turkey meat from the bones. Nothing was saved for soup-making. Michael, as usual, carved our bird. He removed only as much meat as he thought we'd eat, and saved the rest to be removed later. In their zeal to help, someone must have ditched the carcass without realizing how much meat was left. Sigh. Oh well. I did feel sorry that we had no leftovers to share with our guests. There was only enough for us to enjoy sandwiches the next day. Selfish, I know.

When I awoke the next morning, I found a dirty pan sitting on my clean, kitchen counter. Sometime during the night, Michael had awakened. I don't why, but he remembered putting the turkey back in the oven when we sat down to eat. And there it sat for the next 12 hours or so. When he remembered at 5, bagged it up and threw it out. I chastised myself for mentally accusing my dinner guests of disposing of the remaining turkey. I really feel guilty for not sharing the leftover bits.

So instead of turkey stew, a big pot of chili is in the crockpot.

On a more positive note, I do have a leftover can of whipping cream. mocha mint coffee was delicious topped with whipped cream, and a dash of red sprinkles.


Kellan said...

Now there's a good use for whipped cream - yum!! We didn't have much leftovers this year, but did have enough for a few turkey sandwiches - is there anything better?!

Take care and have a good week - Kellan

PJ said...

Now that looks like good hot chocolate!!! And I have those cups too!!!!

No left over turkey for me. I ate at my sisters -- airplanes don't mae for good leftovers!!! But I do have a wonderful ham in the fridge (a gift from a friend who knows I love ham but nobody else in the family does so I won't buy one for myself.) I shall have to freeze some tomorrow. AND there's a lovely bone for a pot of beans this week! Maybe I'll make cornbread too.

Kristin said...

Yum! Oh, how I wish someone in my family besides ME liked chili (the perfect winter meal.)