Monday, November 17, 2008

We All Need Support

Ethan & Christina came over on Saturday. As usual, the first thing he did when he came inside is kick off his shoes. There was one differnce. He was also wearing his braces. Those came off too.

He stayed with me Saturday evening, while Christina had a night out. We played cars, watched a movie and did laundry-Ethan's choice. (I am thankful I remembered to cap everything tightly.) We filled the washer with dirty clothes. When it was full, Ethan insisted on filling the dryer with them too. Made me wish I'd taken the clean clothes out first.

Before he went to bed that night, I set his braces neatly on the bottom shelf, so they'd be easy to find. But when Christina went to leave yesterday, they were no where to be found. She and I searched for over an hour. The clothes hampers, laundry chute, the toy boxes...all of the places he'd been where he might have placed them. I couldn't imagine when they were moved or where. We finally gave up and they left without his braces.

I was frustrated, as I'd been so careful to put them neatly away. This doesn't happen often. I continued wandering around the house trying to imagine what a 6 year old might do with his foot/leg supports. And then I prayed.

"God where are these? I know that YOU know what happened to them." I wondered aloud if he even needed them. Were they doing him any good? Maybe it was good they were lost. "But Lord, it would be nice to know what has happened to them. Would you please help me find them?"

I went into my bedroom & opened the storage closet. There atop my boxes sat the braces. I have no idea why he would put them there & shut the door. But I am thankful that God answers prayer.

(Speaking of prayer, in my sidebar is a link to Terry's blog. His wife Julee is having a biopsy of her breast today.)


Anonymous said...

Glad you found them. It is hard when they aren't wanted or appreciated. ;) Funny that he made sure they were out of sight and hard to find. What a clever guy!

Heth said...

I love Ethan posts.

Melanie said...

I thought for sure you were going to say you found them in the dryer.

PJ said...

How funny! He's very good. Nothing like trying to think like a little one. And I pray for finding things -- usually car keys, school keys or my dead cell phone (when it's live, I just call it). But it's think I misplace MYSELF!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad God answers prayer too! :o)