Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Christmas Memories

Growing up I looked forward to Christmas with great anticipation. The scent of delicious homebaked goodies, mingled with the crisp pine of the tree as we adorned it with freshly strung popcorn. Each day was filled with excitement. I'm not sure how mom and dad kept it going. By the time my parents were 24 and 25 years old, they had 4 children. It wasn't that they started any younger than others of their generation, but they did have 4 children in 4 1/2 years. Consequently, money was tight. But that didn't keep our home from being magical at Christmas time.

Back then gadgets and electronics didn't fill our time. We enjoyed simple things. One of my favorites was listening to music-especially while my dad strummed along on his steel guitar. I loved the Christmas carols on black vinyl records, played on the phonograph. It wasn't often, but sometimes, when dad wasn't playing, he took me in his arms and we danced. I wasn't like my sister, who desired to take ballet and tap dance. I enjoyed waltzing along with a partner.

One particular occasion my dad attempted to show me the foot moves of a dance. I'm sure being so young, I wasn't getting it at all. He told me to step up onto place his black leather shoes so he could better show me. I placed my chubby bare feet atop his warm shoes and we glided and swung around the room. It was glorious!

After that, all I wanted to do was dance. For Christmas I asked for a big doll. Since I also loved baby dolls my mom asked if that was what I wanted. No. I wanted a life-size doll, one as big as me so I could dance with her. Mom told me big dolls were very expensive and she doubted they actually made them that big. That didn't stop me from dreaming.

That Christmas morning, as always, we were up before the sun. I think part of the magic was getting up while it was dark outside. Walking bleary-eyed to where the Christmas tree lights sparkled and shined their glowing lit up the beautifully wrapped packages. Santa usually left a few things unwrapped. That morning as I rubbed my sleepy eyes I could hardly believe what I saw. Not only was there a stroller I'd long coveted, but sitting inside was a huge doll. I never thought that this gift might not be mine. I pulled the life-size doll from her chair and hugged her to my chest. My mom had lovingly made a doll nearly my size. She had blonde curls like mine made from brightly colored yarn. She wore a beautiful dress. ( I later found a matching one for me.) But the best part was under the doll's fabric shoes, my mom had sewn in loops of elastic.

I didn't wait to get dressed. Still wearing pajamas, I quickly put my shoes on. I then slipped the doll's elastic bands over them. My dolls feet rested perfectly atop my shoes-the way mine had on my dad's. Holding her up, I lovingly wrapped my arms around her, and we danced the morning away.


Anonymous said...

Great writing Joanne!
love janice

cheryl said...

What a beautiful story! Your mom sounds a bit like mine.. talented with a wonderful imagination! Thanks for sharing your memories!

Anonymous said...


PJ said...

How wonderful. Your mom was soooo ahead of her time both with the life-sized doll and the elastic to hold her on your feet. How beautiful. Do you still have the doll???

Lisa said...

That made me weepy.

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful story. Glad it is based on real lif. Makes it all the sweeter.

Never quit dreaming...

Kellan said...

This was the sweetest Christmas story ever and so well written!!!

Take care - Kellan

Mylinda said...

What neat story! Thanks for sharing. I have some precious childhood Christmas memories, too. I always wonder what memories of Christmas my children will take with them and I hope they're precious to them, too.

His Girl said...

this is a fantabulous story! well told and touching... thanks for sharing it. *sniff, sniff*

Kristin said...

Such a touching story, Joanne. Though our family has had numerous problems, I am grateful that my parents made Christmas "magical" for us as well.

Heth said...

What a beautiful memory Joanne. I love that your mom even put the elastic on the feet. SO, so sweet.