I loved the ease & technology of the Jetson's lifestyle. A push of a few buttons and presto! Out popped your favorite meal. I couldn't wait until real life caught up to the space-age Jetsons. Zooming around space in auto-piloted crafts, a robotic maid for the household chores, and a telephone which came with a screen so you could actually see the person with whom you were talking. I dreamed about the day.
Surely by the time I was old, like 40 something, I'd be living the life of ease & technology. But I've yet to step onto a conveyer belt with bed hair and emerge seconds later powdered and puffed, fully dressed, perfectly coiffed hair, ready for my homemaking job. With everything automated, what did Jane Jestson do? There's no Rosie around cleaning up after me. (But some of you might enjoy hearing her speak to you from your fancy cars, directing your every move.) And before piping hot food pops out of a box, I have to manually remove it from the freezer and place it in the microwave.
Oh, but I do enjoy space age telephones. In fact, we used ours over the weekend. It's called Skype. Here we are huddled around it.

We chatted with these 2, who are not in outerspace, but15 hours ahead of us on the other side of the world.
Oh Joanne, I bet it was great to "see" them again!
we had just rolled out of bed and you guys were enjoying your evening...it's hard to get used to. skype is so wonderful - we love seeing everyone!
~ Lauren
Yay for Skype! We use it to keep in touch with everyone back in Iowa.
I often think about how 'jetson'-y we are these days as well :)
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