Friday was the beginning of Ethan's 24 hour EEG. The Neurology department said he held the record for pulling off wires on his previous ambulatory EEG. That was on Sarabeth's birthday last June.
Ethan has been doing so well, I was very hopeful that this time would go smoother.

It began on a positive note. But as soon as he was wired and wrapped, his countenance changed. He looked so sad.

I tried to post these pics from my phone, but they wouldn't upload. It is probably a good thing. One photo he was crying and I'm glad it didn't load.
Later in the evening, I went home. Hilary & Elisabeth were there to help. They ended up staying quite late, as Ethan began vomitting. That was a bit unnerving. Probably has nothing to do with it, but in December Children's Hospital was cited with food violations by the Health Department. At the time, they claimed no child became sick as a result of these violations. But I have to wonder, since he went in well.
Aside from a possible side illness, the staff at Children's is wonderful. One of the maintenance workers found batteries for Ethan's train set and even changed the batteries for him.

This morning, bright and early, Sarabeth headed up to the hospital to be with Christina and Ethan. Feeling a bit under the weather myself, I feel so blessed to have a large family who supports one another. Michael, who isn't a dog lover, took over the care of Daisy.
I can't imagine life without a large family.
Ethan has been doing so well, I was very hopeful that this time would go smoother.

It began on a positive note. But as soon as he was wired and wrapped, his countenance changed. He looked so sad.

I tried to post these pics from my phone, but they wouldn't upload. It is probably a good thing. One photo he was crying and I'm glad it didn't load.
Later in the evening, I went home. Hilary & Elisabeth were there to help. They ended up staying quite late, as Ethan began vomitting. That was a bit unnerving. Probably has nothing to do with it, but in December Children's Hospital was cited with food violations by the Health Department. At the time, they claimed no child became sick as a result of these violations. But I have to wonder, since he went in well.
Aside from a possible side illness, the staff at Children's is wonderful. One of the maintenance workers found batteries for Ethan's train set and even changed the batteries for him.

This morning, bright and early, Sarabeth headed up to the hospital to be with Christina and Ethan. Feeling a bit under the weather myself, I feel so blessed to have a large family who supports one another. Michael, who isn't a dog lover, took over the care of Daisy.
I can't imagine life without a large family.
I've been catching up on your blog. Hopefully the results on Ethan's test will be Helpful, this time!! That sad look would be hard to take, especially for his Grandmother! It was bad enough with children -- but grandchildren? Worse!
Congrats to Christopher! I'm sure they will flourish as a young couple, given the excellent training he has had!
Aw, poor little Ethan. I so hope things go better and something helpful comes of this. And the John Deere photos made me smile.
Aw, little buddy.
Sniffle. HUG.
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