Sunday, March 22, 2009

Mr. President's Recent Gaffe

I wanted to comment on President Obama's recent appearance on television. He is the first sitting president to appear on the Jay Leno show. My first thought was that our president is a Hollywood man. He presents himself as a famous, good-looking actor most of the time. Isn't this what celebrities do when they are pushing their latest film? They make appearances on the Tonight Show & David Letterman to generate interest in their recent production. If the actor appeals to the American Public, we pay money to see the movie. The movie becomes a blockbuster. The actor demands higher pay for his next film.

Our president was pushing his latest act, hoping to stimulate enough interest to cause us to dig deeper into our pockets. His worth goes up and we lose billions.

But when I watched the Jay Leno show something bigger appeared. Instead of writing about it here, I suggest you read Kate's most recent post "Out of the Overflow of His Heart, His Mouth Speaks." She does an excellent job explaining why President Obama's gaffe was more than that. It reveals his heart.


Kate said...

Joanne, you hit on something important that I did not address in my post... that of how Obama is trying to sell himself as an actor.

You're right ~ he's behaving exactly as Hollywood actors do when they're pushing their newest project.

No other president has ever been on Jay Leno. Makes a person wonder why, eh? Perhaps because previous presidents weren't obsessed with being the media's darling. Or perhaps because, unlike Obama, they weren't complete puppets to the power players behind the scenes. Either way, you nailed it, Joanne. Our president is an actor. He's playing a role, but it's not who he really is.

Kristin said...

I'll check her blog out. I have to say, I DO NOT like it that our Presidents feel the need to go on the (non-political)"talk show" circuit, like "Saturday Night Live" and such. It affects the diginity of his position, IMO. I was unhappy when Huckabee, McCain, and Palin did it, too.

Mother Mayhem said...

Shaking head in sorrow.