Monday, June 08, 2009

Because I Take My Alcohol Seriously

I shared with you that Michael and I went to North Carolina & to the beach on Bald Head Island. But did I mention critters? Not the cute fuzzy ones. The kind that bite and make you itch?

I first noticed what appeared to be mosquito bites. Each day I had a few more. I found 2 on my face on the plane ride home. I couldn't wait until I got home and could sleep in my own bed. But the next day, and the day after, I had new bites. So I did what any of you would have done. I got on the internet.

I searched for words like scabies, ticks, bedbugs, sea lice...anything that could possibly explain the red, itchy welts. I didn't like the things I read. Paranoia seeped into my being. I began cleaning like crazy, but I couldn't figure out why I was the only with spots. Michael and I sleep in the same bed, just as we did on vacation.

It didn't matter. I was determined to make sure no critters came home with me. In addition to Bendadryl gel and Cortisone cream, I began rubbing my spots with alcohol. I ran out of alcohol, so made a quick trip to the store. Once there, I grabbed a bottle and was about to leave when I noticed this:

I've always bought 70% Isopropyl alcohol. But wow, 91%!? More is always better, right? I snatched up both kinds of rubbing alcohol and brought them home.

I also decided to wash all of my clothes. I don't normally mix whites with colors or darks, but I did. Afterall, they were MY clothes. It turned out to be a small load, so at the last second, I threw in 1 shirt and pair of jeans that belonged to another family member. They'd be fine. And they were fine. It was my clothes that weren't. Who puts an ink pen in their pocket???

It went right through the wash and straight into the dryer-where I didn't notice. But when I pulled the clothes out of the dryer, including 2 new shirts, boy were they decorated prettily with indigo blue ink. Ugh!

I was so happy that I'd bought two new bottles of alcohol, especially that 91%. These are the spots:

I poured a bit of the alcohol and look at that ink dissolve. (And this is a week later when I got around to it.)

Would you look at that?! It's like a miracle.

A close up of the bigger spot:

I did use half a bottle. Like I said, I take my alcohol seriously.

My bites are gone. And so is the ink. I love alcohol.


Mother Mayhem said...

I use Benadryl cream on Emily. She is a mosquito magnet. Ugh.

I used alcohol to clean the inside of my washer after one of Jack's ink pens got washed up. Worked like a charm! :o)

ann said...

Heehee! When I first read your title on Bloglines, I raised my eyebrows. Now I see what you mean :)

Kathleen said...

Well, since the grand kids have come clean with their list of truths, I will let you know that my #8 is a lie.

Kate said...

Your title forced me to read this post to see WHAT ON EARTH you were talking about! ROTFL

I'm happy to hear that isopropyl alcohol gets ink out of clothes (white ones). That is a tidbit I did not know, but I know will be useful in the future!


Lauren said...

okay, i'm a little confused because it still looks like the ink is there??

Truth said...

The alcohol breaks down the ink. After this, I tossed it in the wash and the ink was gone when I pulled it out. It was on EVERYTHING. One of my new shirts had over 30 spots.

Lauren said...

ah, i see...that's amazing! do you have to apply it right away, christopher has little red wine stain on his white shorts, is it too late to save them?