"Come help Grandpa, Ethan."

Every boy wants to master a chainsaw, right?

Can you believe how helpful he is?

Strong too.

Taking a break, but can't take his gloves off if Grandpa has his on. I even tried to get him to wear some his own size, but he would have no part of it. Grandpa's are way cooler.

"Okay Grandpa, let's haul the branches away.

"Whew! Am I tired."
What a precious boy he is.
This is great! Ethan is such a helper :) The gloves kill me, lol.
Oh my goodness! I can't believe how much he's grown! Just watching him in pictures, it's amazing to see how big he's gotten!! What a joy to have him around!!
What a big helper he is! Grandpa must be very happy to have him on his crew! :o)
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