Saturday, July 04, 2009

Acceptance & Tolerance

I played Partini with the kids the other night. It's a fun game, if you don't mind laughing and being laughed at. I don't. One of the categories is to write a funny or true statement about a team member. Half of my cards mentioned not being able to multitask. Written much more cleverly than "unable to multi-task," they were the true statements.

My lack of being able to plan multiple things at once is getting worse. I used to pull it off quite nicely. I attacked each day fresh and new, without thought of the following day or week. I only had to think about and consider what was right in front of me. Keeps life simple.

My way of living leaves the door open to be spontaneous. Fun & excitment can happen at any moment, if I feel so inclined. Each day is full of possibility. If something unexpected comes up, I can adjust accordingly. I don't have a plan so nothing is interrupted.

The downside is, I can frustrate those around me due to my lack of planning. I can't carry on a conversation while on the computer. I am not a social shopper. If you want to chat, let's sit down and have a cup of coffee and visit. If you want to shop with me, know that I don't want your opinion, nor do I want to give you mine. I want to find what I went there looking for, purchase it, and go home. I don't want to browse or talk about how cute-this-outfit-is-even-though-I'd-never-wear-it. Nor is it my desire to check out the latest in ugly fashion statements. Sigh. I know this is a great disappointment to many.

Honestly, I can only focus on one thing at a time.

The same is true when I cook. It is hard to let you help me. I don't delegate well. If I'm talking I get distracted and forget ingredients. I'm also much slower because I have to stop chopping or dicing to say what's on my mind. If I'm chatting, I am not preparing the food. Dinner will be late. Truly I am single-minded.

And you know what the beauty of this whole post about me is? It is ok to be like this. My way isn't right and it isn't wrong. The world needs planners, and those that don't. If we were all planners we might frustrate the heck out of one another. Just like we all can't be leaders. If we were, we wouldn't be, because there wouldn't be anyone following. What fun would family and friends be if we were all the same?

So my promise to you is I will accept that you plan out every single last detail, if you will tolerate that I don't.

And sometimes, just for fun, let's reverse roles and broaden our horizons.


Lauren said...

that would have been a good game of Partini :) haha, Christopher is often referred to as "Plan Man" by our friends - he must take after his father.

i'm a horrible multi-tasker too, i just like to focus on one thing and get it done right :)

Mylinda said...

I liked this post. I am one of those obsessive planners. I even plan our trips around the Magic Kingdom at DIsney World! It's ok to get sidetracked, but at least then we have a plan to get back on track. And, God in His infinite wisdom, gives me friends who plan very little. They are spontaneous, disorganized, and sometimes "flighty", but you know what? God knew I needed them to help me not be so obsessive. We help each other and that is a great gift. I truly appreciate each one of them and their free spirits, which encourage me to be more free spirited, too. So, I will take you up on your deal to let you be you and you let me be me! :-)

Truth said...

Lauren, Partini was a lot of fun. "Plan Man?" That is funny. You two complement each other so well.

Thanks Mylinda. Many times I wish I could be a more planned and detailed person. Like you, it is great to have people around me who are skilled at this. It helps me stay more balanced. And yes, I've been challenged to be more like you because of it.

Mother Mayhem said...

Takes all kinds, yes? :o)