What happened? She was bit by a sea lion. No, we don't live in San Diego, nor were we vacationing in California. Frolicking with the sea lions & subsequent nibble happened here in good ol' Colorado. The ER docs were very excited to have an interesting case. They were equally impressed with Sarabeth's flipper bruise, as it had the outline of the digits. She saw no less than 8 or 9 curious doctors, nurses, & staff that all wanted the story. Apparently, when you work in the ER you get asked about your most interesting patients of the day.
Just in case you ever think it sounds cool to swim with the sea lions, let me show you these:

Notice those teeth? They can make a pretty good puncture wound.

(I know, you can't really see the puncture part, just the cut after it was all cleaned up.)
And this

Can leave a pretty good mark.

The pictures don't do justice to the actual injuries. But Sarabeth can't wait to swim with Kitty again.

That story is incredible. A story "the kids" will never believe.
Oh. My. Goodness!!!
That looks painful ~ all of those injuries! Poor Sarabeth... she must be a pretty tough girl because there's no way I'd get back to frolicking with a sea lion who inflicted those kinds of wounds on my body.
I'm glad she's okay and I hope she heals quickly & doesn't get an infection!
She got bitten by a what?!? There's one for a you'll-never-believe-what-happened-to-grandma story if I ever heard one! Hope she heals quickly!
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