Sunday, July 19, 2009

On Friday I Cried

Tears are usually reserved for special occasions. I don't let them flow for just any old thing. But I cried on the middle of the grocery store.

Lately, my food shopping trips have been happy ones. The store has increased their gluten free foods selection. It is thrilling each time I find a new product. Recenly I found a delicious cake and frosting mix that not only is gluten free but also casein free. Imagine my excitement at being able to bake Ethan a birthday cake that he could both eat and enjoy.

When I set out to make it, I realized the cake mix called for margarine to keep it casein free. No problem. The margarine I've used for the last 25 years contains vegetable oil and not a dab of milk. Perfect. I needed 8 tablespoons. Peering into the tub, I maybe had enough to smear on a piece of bread, gluten free of course. Off the the grocers I went.

I looked up and down the aisle of butter and margarines. Hoping my Nucoa had just been moved, I continued to search for it. It was no where to be found. After a few inquiries to a clerk, then a manager, I was informed they no longer carried it. I stood there in shock. When did this happen? I still had the nearly empty container in my refrigerator.

This store stocks no less than 30 different types of butter and margarine. How could they get rid of the one single brand that was dairy-free??? The one and only kind I can use to make frosting for a very special 7 year old's birthday cake.

It wasn't like I could run over to the bakery and buy him a cake. They don't make or sell GFCF cakes. The clock read 3:00p.m. At 4, family would be arriving for the birthday celebration. What was I to do?

So like any caring, creative-thinking grandmother would do, I cried in the middle of KingSoopers.


Lauren said...

aw! i'm so sorry! what did you end up doing? i'm sure he was perfectly happy just being with everyone!

wow, 25 years and they remove now?! i would be writing a letter to kroger.

His Girl said...

you totally get to cry about that.


Lisa said...

(((Joanne))) I say cry. How frustrating and irritating and hard for a grandma's heart.

Mother Mayhem said...

I believe I would petition the store to bring it back! HUGS.

Kate said...

Yeah, I would have cried, too.

I've read that Fleishmans unsalted butter is gfcf. Maybe you could use that next time?
