Monday, October 19, 2009

This Really Happened

I'm looking at a blank page. I type a bit, but it feels wrong. I backspace and delete. Do you ever want to say something, but the little voice inside won't let you?

By now, I know to listen to that quiet voice. But I do still argue with it from time-to-time.

I: I know you really want to tell everyone.

Self: Yes, I do. I've been thinking about it and yes, I want to say it. I was shocked when I heard this and I think others will be too. If nothing else, for entertainment value.

I: But don't you think someone might be hurt when they read it? Actually, more than one person.

Self: Yes, but this is reality. I was there. It really happened. It isn't as if I'm saying something false or making this up. Plus, there is a greater cause at stake here. I'd like to hop up on my soapbox and make a few comments to make others aware.

I: Look, you are free to do what you want. But I'm telling you, you will regret it if you go ahead and do this.

Self: Gosh darn it! I hate when you say things like that. This would have been such a good blog subject. Think about all of those folks who are reading today who this would have been food for thought, something to chew on-not everyone ate breakfast this morning. But you are right.

I: I'm always right.

I smile with a smug satisfaction.


Unknown said...

Oh Great. Now the rest of us have to guess and wonder what you saw, where you were and why whatever it is can't be shared. Thanks for making me wonder enough, that I'm sure it will be enough for breakfast, lunch, and dinner ....Larry

Kate said...

I've had this happen, and though I know it may be difficult to believe (considering what I DO put on my blog, LOL), I have written and not posted a LOT of things, too. That self-restraining voice is a good one. You were wise to listen to it. :)

gretchen from lifenut said...

It's good your are listening to I.

Although Self has me dying of curiousity. Dying, I tell ya!

gretchen from lifenut said...

It's good your are listening to I.

Although Self has me dying of curiousity. Dying, I tell ya!

Kristin said...

Oh, you are GOOD! :)

Lisa said...

I and self have that conversation here too.

Deanna said...

Stupid restraint! Hate that difficult thing, it's always getting in my way! ;-)

I like your blog!