Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Marvelous Monday

Mondays used to be my least favorite day of the entire week. I despised getting up early and sending my kids off into the cold, cruel world. I wanted my children close & content, not controlled and confined in a classroom. But Mondays seem different now. They are marvelous.

Mondays are filled with hope and excitement of all that lies ahead for the new week. Adventure stands at my doorstep.

Today is Tuesday. I sit here wondering why I'm up before the sun? I don't think God intended for us to get up so early. If he had, he would have made the sun rise earlier. He didn't. Winter is for quiet, longer sleeping. He made long, dark hours so I could sleep.

Maybe He meant for me to go to bed earlier too. The sun does set at 5:00p.m.


melany said...

hahahaha That's true on both accounts!

Mother Mayhem said...

Every day starts early with Emily around. Chuckle.

cmhaws said...

Alliteration FTW!

Bunch of Barrons said...

haha! I agree! I love sleeping. Thanks for your comments on my blog! :)