Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Oh The Joys...

Of Home Remodeling.

Nothing is quite so thrilling as knowing your son and daughter-in-law will be here in 127 hours! It pales in comparison to having our bathroom remodeled. But we forge on, as we realize there is no way it will be finished before christopher & Lauren arrive.

We've managed our schedules around one less shower, one less toilet, and one less bathroom mirror for applying makeup and straightening hair. (If you've ever shared a home with with 3 or more teen/adult young ladies, you know what I mean.) But yesterday began more of an extreme challenge.

Upon returning home from a weekend in San Diego, our daughter announced that the carpet downstairs was squishy. Translated: water is leaking from somewhere. Bathroom remodel...flooding...could they be related? Further inspection revealed that the recent lukewarm showers experienced by the girls in our absence, was most likely caused by a dying hot water heater. So not only did we not have hot water for showers (Do you know how cold the water comes out of the tap in Colorado? Think melting snow.) but we had to have the water turned off for a good portion of the day.

Okay, so maybe we'd be able to shower AFTER attending the senior high school awards night, where Hilary received an academic letter and a math award. I dumped dinner on the table and ran to the only functioning bathroom to change clothes and freshen up with cool, but running water. Wait, did I forget to mention that during the course of the day the second bathroom toilet was removed so we now had just 1 functioning toilet??? During the awards ceremony all I could do was hope the hot water heater would heat the water and that somehow our remodel guys would hook up another toilet.

Oh the joy of seeing another functioning toilet AND the feel of hot water streaming from the faucet. But why does the carpet seem even wetter than before? Noticing that the wall and ceiling were also wet, Michael decided that something else must be leaking. The water had to be shut off until something could be done. There went my hot bath.

Because our handymen took a day to install the hot water heater, no progress was made to finish the bathroom. After cutting into the ceiling, they are now repairing a broken pipe. I don't think they will have any time today to work on the bathroom. There is quite a mess with the water damage. And still we have no running water.

Christopher and Lauren will be here in 126 hours.

Did I mention the tree trimmers knocked down the fence today?


Kristin said...

Whew! What a week! And, YES, I understand the "joys" of remodeling -- we STILL can't use our dining room/addition, so we are eating at our big table (and homeschooling) in the living room. NOT ideal. But losing your hot water -- YIKES!

Heth said...

Uugh. Sounds stressful.

But Christopher & Lauren will be in your house! YAY! I bet you are soooo excited.