Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Looking Back And Forward

I was looking back at last January. I laughed when I read this on my blog:

I doubt I'll ever be a world traveler, sampling exotic foods. I won't be going to fancy shmancy restaurants to entice my taste buds with enchanting new delicacies. It isn't happening. So I can't be expected to have a clue about such culinary delights. (Remember that when
dining at my home.)

In March, when we literally travel around the world, I suspect we will be sampling many exotic foods. To get an idea, I perused my son and daughter-in-laws blog. I swiped a couple pics of some dishes they've made at home in their tiny apartment.

Aren't these gorgeous?

How exciting is this? My food blog could take on a whole new look. This trip will be the adventure I never thought I'd take.

I can promise you, though, I am not nearly as courageous as Christopher & Lauren. I enjoy trying new cuisines, but I will not be taste testing all dishes.

Christopher mentioned that the eyes of these got stuck between his teeth.

I saw videos of creatures moving on sticks. They quit moving once dipped in hot oil, but I think I'll pass.

I doubt I could choke down anything with eyes either. But it will be a grand adventure!

When dining at my home, don't expect to see anything this exotic...but maybe Lauren will teach me how to make one of her creations.

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