Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Fifty Pieces Of The Puzzle

This is number eight of fifty. Explanation of the series here.  

Julee, where shall I begin?  As I reflect on our relationship, so many things come to my mind.  The first is that you are a wonderful hostess.  Your home is a beautiful reflection  of your love for family.  It is always such a joy to spend time in your home, sharing latte's and delicious food.  You do everything with beauty and grace.  When you come to my home you do the dishes!  Does it get any better than that?

My second thought that makes me smile is your sense of humor and adventure.  Thank-you for taking me to have feathers put in my hair.  

Thank-you for the times of laughter,

when I laughed so hard I cried, makeup running down my face.  I can't wait to have more adventures together.

Thirdly is your faith.  (Is thirdly a word?  I know I can count on you for knowing.)  Over the years I've watched your faith grow, your courage deepen, and your reliance upon God flourish.  I love your passion and dedication.  You aren't afraid to call a spade a spade.  (And maybe a few other choice things too, lol.)

Lastly, I so appreciate your honesty and that you aren't afraid to be real.  You share your heartaches and struggles, but also your joys and celebrations.  I think of party hats for birthdays, Santa hats for Christmas-did you convince Sue to dress up like the Statue of Liberty or was that her idea? 

I consider you not only family, but a true friend.  I love you!

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