Monday, May 28, 2012

Memorial Day

We cherish too, the Poppy red
That grows on fields where valor led,
It seems to signal to the skies
That blood of heroes never dies.
~Moina Michael~

Thank-you to all of the men and women who've served our country,

 But especially to those who lost their lives while keeping our country safe.

My father-in-law served during the Korean War

These photos are of him and some of his military buddies.
I wish I could hear his stories of when these photos were taken.

 This was his graduation photo sent to his mom, from her Loving Son, Eddie.

This was in Korea, in September of 1950, standing outside the Officer's Mess.  They were part of the Mosquito Outfit, I believe formed in June of 1947.

This is the document he carried with him on over 100 missions. 

In 4 languages it says:

I am an American (UNITED NATIONS) flier.  My plane has been shot down and I am helpless; but I want to get back and fight again for the peace of the world and your country.  

If you will help me and yourselves by getting me to the nearest American unit, my Goverment will reward you well.  Help us and we will help you.

Thankfully, he made it back safely to the U.S., and lived to be 86 before he died and took the rest of his stories with him.

1 comment:

Packin' Pinup Tour Guide said...

Wow LOVE the pictures and memorabilia! What treasures! Just realized I haven't looked at your blog in a long long time! I have some catching up to do!