Sunday, May 11, 2014

Happy Mother's Day

Mom's come in all varieties.  Some have babies, like to travel and have adventures. 

Some are good at juggling more than one child, while working a full time job.

Some have twins,

 some space their children 5 plus years apart.

 Some moms have grown children and younger ones too.

 Some have children while young, then add more when they are a bit older with grandkids older than some of their own children.

Some have lots of children who are all grown up with kids of their own, and since the grands are so far away, they collect dogs and puppies. 

Some moms manage to find time to see their grandchildren, in spite of having big families with adult children getting married, having wedding showers, baby showers, graduating/going to college.

And some moms have the privilege of being a mom/grandma to all of these other moms. 

Happy Mother's Day Mom, see you on Friday in New Orleans!


"May the Lord give you increase more and more,You and your children." (Ps. 115:14)

1 comment:

Elisabeth said...

I love ALL these mama's!