Sunday, January 27, 2008

Ann at Small Town Life tagged me for this meme.

The rules for this meme are:
(1) Link to the person that tagged you.
(2) Post the rules on your blog.
(3) Share six non-important things/habits/quirks about yourself.
(4) Tag six random people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs.
(5) Let each random person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their website.

Here are mine:

1. I prefer to eat with plastic forks and spoons. I love ice cream, but I'd rather not eat it, if I have to use a metal utensil. (I think this originated from having silver teeth.)

2. I quit drinking coffee once for 2 years. I liked it black. I always had a fresh pot brewed. I drank 2 or more pots a day. After a time change, in the spring, I thought I could go back to drinking coffee without becoming addicted. I drank it with cream and sugar to ensure I wouldn't drink more than one cup. Now I rarely drink it black. I never make a second pot, but I've been known to frequent Starbucks later in the day. My love/hate relationship with coffee. Can't live with it, can't live without it.

3. I still want a houseful of kids.

4. I love to sing and dance, but don't do either well. I'm learning country line dancing and am having a blast.

5. I own 6 pairs of cowboy boots.

6. I once had a boa constrictor snake as a pet, and lost it at my mom's house. (She later found it crawling under the kitchen table.)

(I forgot to tag others, so I'm editing this.) Dot-since I want to see you post more, Shel & Mylinda- because I don't know any weird things about you, Lisa,-who always has interesting things happen, Kristin-because I don't recall seeing a meme on her blog ever, & lastly anyone else who wants to play along.


Ann said...

That is a great list! My favorite is losing the snake. I held a little snake once, it was very soft and smooth, nothing like I imagine. How big was your pet? Was it a baby? Did you have to feed it live animals? Was that hard to watch? Very interesting, having a snake for a pet!

Kristin said...

Oh, I'll have to play! But it might be tomorrow, I am composing an important blog that has to go out today. THANKS!

Kristin said...

Oh, I'll have to play! But it might be tomorrow, I am composing an important blog that has to go out today. THANKS!

Anonymous said...

Okay, I played. I am honored to be listed first. Thank you, and I am trying to post more often.


Anonymous said...

Playing! ;o)

I can't eat from a metal fork if I can taste it. Shudder.

Earen said...

Fun to learn fun facts about you!~

PJ said...

I still want a housefull of kids about 3-5 days a month (when I'm bored or lonely). The rest of time time, I love peace and quiet!!! And I do want to take line dancing lessons. I would LOVE to be able to dance!!!

Truth said...

Ann, about the snake. When it was a baby I carried it in my shirt pocket. I lost it in the car a couple of times, but it didn't go far. It ate mice and goldfish-I hated that part.

PJ-If you're ever in Colorado, I'll take you line dancing with me.

Kristin said...

OK, I finally did mine. Yours is great -- LINE DANCING! And all those cowboy boots. As for the snake ::shudder:: ::gasp!:: ::SCREAM!:: (And I thought mice were hard to take, LOL.)

Jenn said...

I don't think you could pay me to carry a snake in my shirt pocket!