It's hard to believe you've closed the door to your teen years. What happened to my little Gerber baby with the infectious smile?

Very quickly, that baby turned into a laughing, forever-singing toddler. You loved singing and entertaining anyone who'd pay attention. There was no such thing as a stranger. You welcomed everyone into your world.

Remember how you'd play dress-up for hours and hours? Or making tea and crumpets with your kitchen set? Your golden brown hair, pulled up in crooked pigtails, would bounce as you "cooked." You'd talk and talk in your singsong voice as you'd offer freshly baked cookies.

I remember a girl in second grade who wanted to be a cheerleader. You went to cheer camp and performed at a high school basketball game. Two ladies in front of me saw you amidst the sea of girls and couldn't get over how cute you were. I wanted to say, "that's my girl!" But before I could you waved and curtsied my direction and they thought you were waving to them and they waved back. You brought out the best in others. It wasn't but 7 or 8 years later that you were in high school drawing the crowd to their feet.
It was hard to see you move out this year. I'm thankful that your residence is a mere 20 minutes away. I love that you come home for dinner several nights a week. You are still the same sweet, caring sister and daughter as before, but you are wiser and more mature. I didn't realize turning 21 would be such a transformation. You'll always be my little girl, even though you are all grown up.

Happy birthday to your sweet daughter!!
Happy Birthday to a beautiful young lady.
and congratulations to mom for making it through the teens- not for the faint of heart!
Happy Birthday, Elisabeth!
Reading this made me think about my own little girl. Someday (much too soon) she'll be all grown up too. I love what you said about Elisabeth's singsong voice. Emily's is like that too.\
By the way, Joanne, the roasted chicken and peppers turned out great! The whole family loved it, and we'll definitely be having it again :) Thanks for the recipe!
Aw, a beautiful tribute to a beautiful girl! My oldest will be 21 in August. Sniff!
Happy birtday to her!
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