Friday, February 29, 2008

This was taken on a cell phone and goes by very fast. I didn't quite capture the first couple of seconds. Hope you get the idea of my crazy kids antics.


Heth said...

That cool!

Ann said...

I'm watching this over and over thinking, "How did they do that??" Fun!

I'm making that roasted chicken and peppers tonite instead of tomorrow! So far so good. I've never cooked with cut-up chicken before (I usually buy the frozen boneless/skinless in a bag). Haha I bought a "country style" chicken with heart and liver included! Oh, and the neck. It was quite an experience. And one of the wings still had a couple pin feathers on it. But anyway, the chicken is baking for the first half hour, and in 11 minutes I'll add the veggies! I'm not using a lid, but I have broth in case it gets dried out.

It's funny, when I go to say/type "chicken," so often I catch myself saying or trying to type "kitchen."

PJ said...

OOH does that bring back memories. WHen they were teens, my boys and a friend did that in the narthex of the church one night after youth group. The #12 shoe of the friend went through the sanctuary door. The friend was taller than they thought!!

What fun!! Cute kids.

His Girl said...

What? I can totally do that! Do it all the time!

alright, I can't! I'm not even sure i could when i was young and more bendy!

Anonymous said...

What a great bunch of kids you have, Joanne. Happy birthday to your daughter.

Anita Ann said...

Is this what I get looked forward to as my children get older? Either way, it was entertaining to see what you caught.