Before Christmas, I embarrassed myself. Christopher was home and we went out shopping. As we passed my favorite jewelry store, I showed him the bracelet that I wasn't getting. He said, "ma, you don't know that." I assured him that his dad couldn't pull off a suprise like that. I had been hinting how much I wanted the bracelet. No, I wasn't hinting, I was practically begging. I told him about it in detail. I pulled it up on the internet to let him see exactly what I wanted. I even found some cheaper alternatives if he just couldn't swing this one. He didn't pay much attention. Christopher tried to encourage me that surely if it was that important, there was a good chance his dad bought it. No, I was confident that I knew him better. Michael would have asked what store it was at, or if I really wanted it, before he went out. I'd know. Besides, 2 days earlier, he'd bought me a pair of exotic boots for Christmas and it would be way too much money to spend. (Yeah, I knew I was getting them.)
Imagine my humiliation when Christmas morning, Christopher handed me a slender gift box from his dad that looked the perfect size for a bracelet. "Hmm...I wonder what this could be? Oh, but surely not. There is no way dad could possibly have surprised you. Wow, do you feel a little silly for the way you carried on the other day?" He continued laughing and teasing me. And he'd been correct. Michael had truly surprised me.

The whole situation reminded me of a Valentine's Day not too long ago. I posted about my disappointment at not receiving a coveted pair of diamond & ruby earrings. Michael surprised me. He gave them to me for my birthday. He has become unimaginably extravagant in giving to me.
Last week, while painting, I took my bracelet off and shoved it in my pocket so as not to get paint on it. In doing so, I bent it backwards deeming it unrepairable according to the jeweler. During that same week, I took off the above mentioned earrings and set them on the coffee table. They are no where to be found. I fear they fell off the table and I inadvertently vaccuumed them up. I'm afraid they are hidden inside a trash bag located in a remote landfill, never to be found again. You would think that with something so valuable and important to me I wouldn't be so careless.
The jeweler agreed to replace my bracelet if I would purchase an extended waranty for an extra $38. My bracelet is brand new. I am not very hopeful of ever finding my earrings.
The Good News? God is not careless. He has already purchased an extended waranty for us: The guarantee of eternal life. I was careless with this gift of life. I experienced pain, loss, loneliness. My life was a broken mess. I was sure the damage I'd done was irrepairable. But it was not. God made it brand new. He can do it for you.
No matter how lost I might become beneath the cares of this life, He knows where I am. He can pluck me from the darkest, most hidden place.
Maybe you aren't in a dark place, but find somewhere along the path, you've lost your way. You can be a valued treasure in the hand of God, if you want. Your redemption is there for the asking.
I imagine the garbage man walking through the dump. He stoops down. He turns over a dirty, wet paper plate. He digs a bit through the coffee grounds and dog hair and pulls out an item. "I knew right where you were all along," he says. At home, he washes and cleans his newly found treasure. There before him is a sparkling pair of diamond/ruby earrings-something of great value to him.
Every broken life can be fixed. Every lost person can be found.
this is a picture perfect post. beautiful and touching and relevant.
that's why i keep coming back :)
what a beautiful story. the way you described God picking us up out of the "garbage" and cleaning us off...i loved the picture it brings to mind!
What a wonderful analogy!!
And...for what it's worth. I, too, have the problem of losing things. It seems that the liklihood of me losing it is in direct proportion to the amount of attachment/sentimental value I have for the item.
Sometimes I think it's God nudging me to hold "things" loosely.
thoughtful post!
But I hope the earrings turn up sooner or later!
Beautifully said, Joanne -- but right now, it just seems so hard to believe in my head. Sigh.
I do hope you still find your earrings!
Great post, Joanne.
Lovely post... Knowing that what was once lost can be found is always an uplifting thought. :o)
Hope you find your earrings!
Happy Valentine's Day! :o)
Wow! What a phenomenal post!! what a great analogy of God's precious gift to us! Thanks for allowing Him to show you this beautiful truth and sharing it with us. Isn't it great when He just lays it out for us?? :-)
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