Thursday, March 06, 2008

A Bad Day?

I understand that anyone can have a bad, even doctors. But when it comes to one of MY kids, it better not happen in my presence.

Elisabeth went for another back injection yesterday. Michael went with her. I had taken Hilary to school, which on a good day, I can drive it in 37 minutes. It was not a good day. Snow was blowing, and the roads were terrible. I arrived home 93 minutes after I'd left.

After her injection, Elisabeth was in a LOT of pain. With the particular meds that were used, she shouldn't have had any pain. She cried for 2 hours in recovery. The doctor doesn't usually come back to see patients, but two different nurses made requests that he do so.

I understand that he has a schedule to keep and that he is busy, but I don't understand his behavior. He appeared very agitated for having to see her. How much time did he save by snatching the juice from her hand as she was taking a drink? Was jerking her from a reclining position to sitting necessary? What did the few seconds it would take for him to wait for her to set the juice down and sit up on her own really cost him? Was he truly trying to save time?

Maybe this man was really dealing with his own pride. At our first meeting, he came off as very arrogant. He was certain of Elisabeth's diagnosis. We were hopeful in light of the confidence he exhibited, after reviewing her medical records. But now I can't help but wonder if he was feeling a bit like a failure when the injection seemed to go awry. Maybe his diagnosis had been wrong. Elisabeth's pain was making him look bad, and he didn't like that. The recovery room was filled with other patients of his. Several people, also waiting in recovery, came by to ask if Elisabeth was ok. They could tell it wasn't going well. Strangers cared and showed concern, why didn't this doctor?

To fix the problem, he filled a syringe with a numbing agent and re-injected her back. I think he over medicated her, as she became very sick afterwards.

It's a good thing I wasn't there. I would have been like a mama bear attacking anyone who harmed her baby cub. As it is, this doctor will get an earful at her next appointment. And maybe more.


Anonymous said...

Next appointment? Is there any way you can find someone else? He sounds like a JERK.

I am so sorry to hear your daughter is in so much pain. I hope you find answers and relief for her soon. What a terrible ordeal.

His Girl said...

I love that God created mothers to be so fiercely protective of their children!!!!

So sorry your daughter had to suffer so... praying that next time the dr is gentler, or kinder, or absent or something!

Melany aka Supermom said...

That is NOT acceptable!!!! Oh my word. I am SURE you will give him more than a earful. I'm so upset for you

Kristin said...

ARGH. I specifically have to gear myself up for trouble anytime I walk into a doctor's office -- and mine are usually very nice. It's often the nurses and receptionists that give me "attitude."

Anyway, this reminds me of that memorable scene in "Terms of Endearment." Don't leave a Mama's baby in pain!

PJ said...

I'm so sorry Elizabeth had to suffer. And I know what you mean about the Mama bear!!! I can go into attack mode you!!! (You know what they say about redheads anyway!) Praying for you. That Dr's behavior is not acceptable!!

Ann said...

It's so hurtful when someone you are placing your trust in acts so rudely and disrespectfully. I'm so sorry that happened, and I hope Elisabeth is feeling better.

Jenni said...

Oh my goodness! How did I miss this! I'm so sorry you had to deal with such a...okay, so there is no printable word for what I think of that "doctor"!!

I hope Elizabeth is feeling much better by now, and that you never see Dr. Insensitive again (for his own sake as much as yours).

Heth said...

How is Elizabeth? Any better? What a nightmare Joanne!