Monday, June 23, 2008

Where have I been?

Why is it that when I miss a couple of days it is hard to get back to blogging? Does anyone else suffer from this malady? If I have a lag in posting, I feel like I need to come back with something wonderful, humorous, poignant, meaningful, or just plain spectacular. Then I feel pressure, which makes it take that much longer to post. Oh well, I am back. Sorry this post will be none of the aforementioned.

What have I been up to?

NOT a luxurious vacation, no vacation plans in sight.

I have NOT been involved in sports, swimming, or other kid's activities.

No, I'm NOT leisurely enjoying the fun things that happen in summer.

So what has happened since I last posted?

Last Wednesday morning I had a Sheriff Officer yell at me. Yes, this really did happen. He didn't pull me over. He didn't give me a ticket. What he did do was roll down his window and yell at me as he drove past. Weird. I know. If he thought I did something wrong, which he did, why would he not pull me over. Give me a warning, or worse, a ticket. But to scream at me from his passing car? A bit childish if you ask me.

I proceeded to drive to Progressive Insurance Company. I was taking my car back for the 2nd time AFTER they'd "repaired it." Two days after getting it back the 2nd time, I was hand-washing my baby as I do about once-a-week. I noticed the front grill was not attached. What the...???? How did that happen? Then as I opened the hood to dry the edges I noticed paint overspray. I decided to get picky. The minor things I'd noticed before that I was going to let slide were suddenly no longer acceptable.

To make a long story shorter, I was told at Progressive that I had obviously hit something and scraped the bottom of my car, causing the grill to come loose and they refused to fix it. They also refused to consider my other complaints, claiming the "overspray" was the way my car comes from the Honda factory.

I was not in the best of moods, still feeling low from having a police officer yell at me. I wanted to yell at this man. I did not. We argued back and forth until I realized I was getting no where. I asked where the nearest Honda dealer was, and left. But I promised he would be hearing from me soon.

I'll post pictures tomorrow.

(In case you are wondering why the officer yelled at me. I stopped at the stop sign at the end of our street BEFORE the stop sign like I'm supposed to. But, the bushes and trees on the adjacent property make it impossible to see very far down the street. After stopping, I pulled far enough forward to see it was clear enough to go and kept going. The sheriff screamed, "YOU DIDN'T STOP AT THE STOP SIGN." I clearly did. He just didn't see me.)


Mylinda said...

Bummer. I know how it makes you feel to get yelled at, esp. for something you didn't do. Argh. And, I'm sorry about your car. I hope it's able to be remedied soon.
Hey, we still love you here in blogland! :-)

Anonymous said...

A policeman yelled at you? In passing? I find that VERY disturbing. Did you call the local PD to see if this is acceptable behavior? Boo.

Sorry about your car. HUG

Kellan said...

Well ... I'm sorry you had these unpleasant things going on - sheeeesh! Hope you have a good day and a good week - Kellan

Kristin said...

Weird about the cop (but better than being pulled over, IMO.) Yeah, I get a few dry spells on the blog, mostly when I get busy with other things. Writing and posting pictures can be a lot of work! But I'm still a maniac.

PJ said...

I love it when the "repair" people blame everybody else for their mistakes and inadequacies. We had a large flat screen tv go bad. It took 3 months for the repair companies (2) to decide they couldn't repair it. Then it took the store another 2 months to replace it...AND we then had to pay for the difference between the cost of the new one and the onld one. No reimbursement for months of no use!! Oh well. The new one arrived yesterday AND it works! I now don't have to strain to see our little old 19 incher we'd been using!!!

~Tammy~ said...

We have an intersection like that near our house... scares me silly to not be able to see whats coming around the corner. Sorry the cop thought yelling at you was "ok".

My Dh was backing out of a parking place at a shopping center, and backed right into a passing vehicle. Ripped the bumper half off of MY car. He took it to a real redneck repair shop. The guy took his time fixing it... and called to say it was ready. Mr C is an aircraft inspector... and he inspected the repairs. The guy did a real redneck job... left off the bumper insulation, half the screws, and didn't unbend the slight bend so the trunk opened and closed properly. Mr C told him it was totally unacceptable. So my car got to stay another couple of weeks... and knowing that it would be THOUROUGHLY inspected.. the guy did an adequate job the second time.
Keep after them! Take pictures, threaten them with bad publicity, whatever it takes!