Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Music To My Ears

You have no idea how excited I get when I hear the 'T' sound. Ethan's latest love is trucks. We'd be driving along and he would begin making noises and pointing. Each time I turned, I didn't see anything. The problem was, I just looked past the big semi-rigs. I had no idea that these large machines fascinated him so.

His mom noticed. So she set out on teaching him how to communicate this. I don't know how she did it, but she taught him to say 'Tttttt.' So now when I hear the 'T' I look with enthusiasm to see what he is referring to. And I try to reinforce the 't'ruck when I see it. The only problem is he also likes Trains, Tractors, & Transformers and has found the 't' sound works for all of those.

But it brings such great pleasure hearing him 't', 't' 't'ing. He is communicating.


Kate said...

Oh YEA for Ethan's new skill!!! That is so very exciting and I am smiling & rejoicing with you in his newfound verbalization. Tttt is fantastic!

WTG Ethan!

Melanie said...

WTG, Ethan! Yea!

Anonymous said...

Hurray! This is AWESOME! :o)

His Girl said...

tremendous! celebrating with you!

PJ said...

All Right!! Way to Go, Ethan!