At seventeeen, you are so grown up, and yet still young. Teen birthdays seem like such milestones as you are handed more responsibility every year. It's hard to believe that you have exactly one year left until you are officially declared an adult. (It's a government thing. I'm not sure when it was decided or who made the rule. Someone decided if you mess something up, we the parents don't have to fix it. You are legally responsible.) So have a very happy birthday and a wonderful year being 17.
And for fun, here is a short recap of year 16.

The end of Pom Season

Your First Denver Nuggets Game

Spring-1st popcicle of the year

End of your sophomore year & Sarabeth's graduation

Camping Trips (The first was with Christopher & Lauren-you loved it so much, you went several more times.)

Summer at Elitches!
Homecoming Dance with who else, but David (He shows up a lot in pictures.)
You gained a sister
First time shooting a gun
After your first accident, you thought driving with Ethan was safer.
Wearing new glasses with your favorite nephew
Are you the most favorite Auntie?
Saying good-bye to Christopher & Lauren for a year.
Happy 17th Birthday Hilary! May you be blessed throughout the year.
Happy happy 17th birthday, Hilary!!!!!
May God bless you greatly this next year of life!
Looks like it was a great year! Love the recap. Happy Birthday Hilary!
17? .... No way .... That makes me way too old!!!
Hope it's the happiest year yet! :o)
Oh, you are so right -- so grown up, yet so young. My oldest girl just turned 16. 17 seems SO much older! I can't believe she is almost a grown woman. It's bitter-sweet, isn't it?
Happy belated birthday, Hilary! I hope it was a great one!
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