Friday, September 25, 2009

Not For Everyone

Gross and probably TMI but I was shocked yesterday at what I found with a little "routine" if you are a frequent visitor to my house STOP READING NOW. I don't want to scare you into never coming back.

Or if you see me as a lovely, organized, hostess, with a spotless home-don't read this! I don't want to tarnish that image.

Over the weekend, Christina and Ethan were here. We were sitting around in the living room and Christina says, "do you smell that?"

"No, what?"

"Every time I sit here it smells like someone's dirty socks or something. It smells bad." She tried to find the source, but never did.

I have glass coffee tables that looked quite dirty. Ethan ate a bowl of coconut milk ice cream with chocolate swirls, sitting on the floor. I believe he tried to wipe his hands by smearing them against the glass. And yes, it was Thursday and I was finally getting around to tidying up.

I sat on the floor to windex the tables. I had to tip them on their sides to get underneath as little hand prints were there too. While I was spraying and wiping, scraping and spraying some more, I noticed what looked like chocolate on my leather couch. I spritzed a little glass cleaner on the leather to wipe it off. But it was dried on pretty good. Wondering if it would damage the leather, I sprayed again. I scrubbed harder. And then I began to smell an odor. Sure enough. That was what Christina had been smelling. OMG! Crusted on poop.

And as a side note, I've gotta say this.

When moms are sitting around discussing the frustrations of potty training and such. Do not try to reassure them by saying something dumb like, "don't worry. Relax. It will happen when he is ready. He won't go to kindergarten wearing diapers."

Every time I hear a comment like that I want to say, "oh yeah? Well, that's what everyone told Christina when Ethan was 2, then 3. At 4, she didn't hear it as much. He is 7 now. And yes. He DOES wear diapers to school."

Sorry. Just another one of my pet peeves.


Heth said...

Oh No!

This made me smile Joanne.

We had "Do you smell that?" moment this week when I thought for sure that Jack had stepped in dog poop. His feet smelled horrible. It turns out it was just his stinky feet from wearing shoes with no socks. I threw the shoes away.

There can never be a good answer to the question, "What is that smell?"

Anonymous said...

Windex will get stains out of your carpet too!!!


Kristin said...

Oh no -- LOL! My DH loves glass cleaner for stuff like that, too, and believe me, it happens around here. Sometimes I'll smell something and dig around and find a DIRTY DIAPER under the couch or IN the couch! YUCK! Thank God for our sense, though. :)

Kate said...

Yep, that's a big 'ol "ewwwwwww!" right there. But don't worry; anyone who is a mom understands. Or she should. Because even if the gross smell in HER house wasn't poop, you KNOW she has dealt with a sippy cup full of rotten milk or something equally disgusting. It happens! :)

As for the potty-training thing, I hear ya. I think that for most kids, yeah, the commentary of how they won't go to school in diapers is applicable, but there is a large population of children for whom those kinds of comments sting.

Joshua is cognitively just fine, but he won't EVER be potty-trained in the conventional sense due to his spina bifida. Yet people ask, "Is he potty trained now?" and when I answer, "Nope," they try to reassure me that it'll happen. I tend to laugh and tell them that no, it won't, and I tell them why, too. I agree with you that it can be aggravating.

Kimberly said...

I am the official bloodhound in my house, tracking down funky smells is a more common occurence than I would like. Most common source of stench is my ds shoes, nasty.
Joining in on the 7yr old in diapers, my son has cp, he's starting to try with the potty, but he may never totally be independent with it. A few people have even been clueless enough to ask how he can go to school if he still needs to wear pull-ups, like it shouldn't be allowed.

Truth said...

I'm so glad to know I'm not alone.

Kate, I suppose the ones trying to assure you that "it'll happen" have the gift of encouragement and are certain everything is going to work out.

Kimberly, nice to meet you. Your comment reminded me of the church nursery years ago. Kids couldn't move into the 3 year old class until they were potty trained because they didn't have diaper changing facilities in those rooms. Parents got pretty stressed out.

Mother Mayhem said...

EW. Chuckle.