Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Three Years

Three years ago today, we celebrated the marriage between two beautiful people.

Danny and Christina,
 we rejoiced in your union before God.

Our fun-loving family 
enjoyed celebrating you.

Today we have so much more to celebrate.

Happy 3rd Anniversary!


Love never fails. (1 Cor. 13:8)

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Happy Birthday Favorite Daughter-in-Law

Happy Birthday Lauren! You will always be my favorite daughter-in-law. It's been more than 12 years since I first suspected you might become my favorite. How well I remember Christopher's senior year of high school.

Typically around midnight, before heading to bed, I'd walk past the bedrooms of each of my kids. Most nights I found Christopher on the phone. "Christopher, get off the phone!" I'd hiss. "Who are you talking to so late at night?" The answer was always the same, "Lauren." He never seemed to mind that I got angry. I knew whomever he was talking to must have been worth it.

You were the first one to marry into our family. What a joy it was to see you go from the fun loving, always up for adventure girlfriend, to the devoted wife who gave strength, beauty, and order to Christopher's life. I knew you were the blessing I'd prayed for all those many years. You and Christopher complement one another very well.

Two summers ago, I watched you become a mom for the first time.

I knew the two of you would be loving, faithful, thoughtful parents but what a delight to see you in action. You've always exceeded my expectations.

I am excited to see your family grow. Your new little one should arrive in the next couple of weeks.

 Ivydee will be a great big sister. Her mama has prepared her well.

I love you Lauren, happiest of birthdays.


"Your wife shall be contented in your home. And look at all those children! There they sit around the dinner table as vigorous and healthy as young olive trees." (Ps. 128:3)

Sunday, August 16, 2015

One Year

Last year, on this date, we were celebrating.
Today is Elisabeth and Brian's First Wedding Anniversary.

It was a spectacular wedding.

So much has happened since this wonderful union.
Three of these lovely ladies are expecting babies.

And these two have the sweetest baby boy.
Congratulations Elisabeth and Brian, and a very Happy First Anniversary!

Can't wait for many more memories with you all!

"Enjoy life with the woman you love all the days of your life that will soon be over. God has given you these days under the sun. This is the good you will get in life and in your work which you have done under the sun." Ecc. 9:9

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Seventh by Jennifer Wilson

A friend of mine wrote the following poem. I felt it was appropriate to share.

I know I'm number seven,
but the fact you can't deny
is that God, Almighty Giver,
is the Author of my life.

My soul is no less special,
and my spirit no less great
than those that came before me--
be they one, or six, or eight!

So many eyes are blinded
by the whispers of this world--
to them, there is no miracle
in a human life unfurled.

A baby's just a plaything,
a burden, or a chore,
and we must proceed with caution
to prevent too many more!

Only a fool would trust the Lord
to give as He desires
and live a life of trust in Him...
whatever that requires.

A new car may be exciting;
a new house may be a prize,
but my new life is better
than any thing that money buys.

So all the world may roll their eyes
when seven now they see--

But I can't wait until I meet
the "fools" who welcome me.

by: Jennifer Wilson

Friday, July 24, 2015

I Will Be Here

Oh husband...some days are like this.

In times of distress, I'll comfort you.

In times of false accusations, I'll love you and we'll laugh together.

In times of sorrow, I will cry with you until we are happy again.

In times of peace, I'll enjoy the calm with you, unless it's more fun to make a ruckus.

In times of loneliness, I'll find some fun for us and invite others to join us.

In times of busy, craziness, I'll walk the prop with you.

Never fear, I'll always be here to bandage your wounds. When you fall, I'll do my best to pick you up. (Except when I'm inside cleaning the kitchen and the neighbor sees you fall first.)


 "For He will tell His angels to care for you and keep you in all your ways.  They will hold you up in their hands. So your foot will not hit against a stone." (Ps. 91:11-12)

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Fifty Puzzle Pieces

Sometimes I have grand ideas. I'm guilty of buying cards for others, but never sending them. In fact, I have several Father's Day cards sitting on my counter that were intended for my son, sons-in-law who are fathers, and my dad. I wish I believed the adage, "it's the thought that counts," as then it wouldn't matter if they were ever sent or not. Sometimes we have to do more than just think about being nice, we have to BE nice.

I looked at my neglected blog and noticed under the fifty label I had 14 posts. I pulled out my notebook where I began writing my fifty and today, in honor of my son's birthday, will share a fifty.

Dear Christopher,
Twenty-seven years, (it's actually 31, but this was written 4 years ago,)where has the time gone? Looking back I remember a little boy who was 2, playing with his big sister. I smiled to see my children playing together. I watched you share with her as you held out the rope swing to her, "Here Chrisnina." As she reached for it, you snatched it back just out of her grasp, doubled over laughing. "Here, here, come get it!" I knew right then and there that you had a wonderful sense of humor, a love of fun and pranks, and also that boys are very different than girls.

You loved sports. You played hard. You were friendly, yet extremely competitive, striving to always win. You maintained a sense of fairness and good sportsmanship at all times.

You enjoyed riddles, figuring things out, and winning math competitions. You've always had a tender side, from the little boy who prayer for his mom when she was sick, to the young man who wasn't afraid to hug his mom in public, to the grown man who desires justice and a defender of the weak.

I'm proud of the man and husband you are. You walk with Lauren as a partner and friend, not ahead of her or behind but united as one. I am so happy you have each other. Together you are strong and will accomplish much in this life.

It wasn't included in the original letter, but now that it is 4 years later, I can also include what a wonderful, caring father you are. I love watching you parent Ivydee, teaching her, learning from her, and guiding her. Your love for your family portrays the love of the Father and your children will be blessed because of your gentle parenting.

I love you Christopher! Happy 31st birthday.

Saturday, July 04, 2015

Happy 4th Of July

A year ago today, we received the special news that Elisabeth was expecting. As I reflected on this event, I realized my first 4 grandchildren all have a connection with the month of July.

Ethan was born in July, 13 years ago.

Ivydee was born in July, 2 years ago.

On July 13, 2013, 

it was announced to us that Christina was expecting Josiah.

As I mentioned, last year on the 4th of July, we found out about Beckham. That's a lot of celebrating in July, especially regarding the joy of grandchildren. Is it possible we will have more announcements/celebrations in the month of July? Anyone???

For fun, July 4, 10 years ago:
4 years ago

July, 1 year ago:
July 2014


 "Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good;
Blessed is the man who trusts in Him!" (Psalm 34:8)

Monday, June 29, 2015


Some days, you just gotta laugh. I sat in the rocking chair to give Beckham his bottle. After a few moments, I realized both of us were soaking wet. I apparently didn't have the top to his bottle on straight. We were soaked in milk.

After Beckham's bath, and after I changed my shirt, I was hungry. I managed to make a plate of nachos with one arm, since Beckham was in the other. I placed him in the exersaucer, then sat on the floor next to him. I've never been a fan of eating with a plate on my lap. I much prefer sitting at a table, but sometimes you do what you gotta do.

Somehow I managed to upend my plate and ended up with a lap full of nachos. It wasn't even a paper plate. How does that happen?

Another story, I can't find my car keys. Over the weekend, I did let a couple of grandkids "drive" my car, while I sat in the passenger side. I know, bad gramma. At one point, Ivydee was in my car facing the Suburban, while Ethan was in the Suburban, facing Ivydee. They both honked at each other. So who has my keys?????

I am still smiling. It was a great week. We had all of the kids/grandkids together, except Travis and Sarabeth. We missed them greatly, especially since it was Sarabeth's birthday last week. But we did have an awesome time together.

You'd think I would have taken more pictures. But sometimes, we are just busy enjoying the moment and taking pictures is not at the forefront of my thoughts. Not to mention, I am usually in the kitchen. Hahaha....I do love my family so much~!


Then our mouth was filled with laughter, And our tongue with singing. Then they said among the nations, “The Lord has done great things for them.” (Ps. 126:2)


Thursday, June 25, 2015


Twenty-six, how did that happen?
 Sarabeth, I am so proud of you! With great joy, I've watched you become the wonderful adult you are. You've been graced with both outer and inner beauty, strength, and character that you have diligently worked to develop and increase. You are a shining star and I look forward to seeing where this next move takes you.

A faithful employee is as refreshing as a cool day in the hot summertime...Good news from far away is like cold water to the thirsty. (Proverbs 25:13,25)

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Thankful Thursday

This boy, melts my heart.

 I would give anything to know what he is saying, for him to be able to communicate clearly and for others to understand what he tries so hard to speak.

Ethan spent the night Sunday and Monday. I took him home on Tuesday.
 He helped me watch his cousin Beckham.
 The sweetness of boys and cousins brings me great joy.

"Kind words are like honey—enjoyable and healthful." (Proverbs 16:24)