The P.T. told Christina she was no longer going to be a physical therapist. She was moving on to another career. (Hallelujah!) Then she went on to say, "But I think it is a waste of time & money to keep Ethan in therapy. He isn't motivated enough. He hasn't made a bit of progress this past year, not one measurable difference. And truthfully, no he can't kick a ball, but does it matter? So he can't jump or hop, he can make it in life without doing that. He isn't able to go down a flight of stairs in typical fashion, but he can make it. So it really isn't a big deal if he gets physical therapy. He can still manage in life." Grrr....she is very deserving of the Thunk Award.
On a positive note, I'd like to offer a Kudos Award. I just don't know who to give it to. Christina received a phone call from the Autistic School telling her someone had anonymously paid for Ethan's schooling this summer. What a huge blessing!!! Meanwhile, she continues to battle the public school over his continued education. Several people in that mix deserve thunk awards too.
Helping Gramma water

Aunt Sarabeth's Graduation
love the thunk award. brilliant
glad your beautiful boy has a grandma who in so invested in him!
makes me just smile- and I'm sure it pleases God even more!
She deserves a Thunk in the head!
He is a cute little boy!
*THUNK* That one was from me and Sweetums!
What a blessing that Ethan will be able to go to that school!
Hooray that Ethan will get the schooling he needs.... and how about giving that girl a "DOUBLE THUNK" award? Good thing she is giving up PT>
Great news for Ethan!
God Bless the anonymous donor.
And that PT sounds like someone who needed a career change.
Thank Goodness she has chosen another profession!! It is obvious to me that she needed to. Love the THUNK AWARD!!! She is certainly deserving!
Some people definitely deserve the "thunk" award!!
Cute pictures of your darling boy - he looks so happy!
Have a good day - Kellan
I'm so glad that Ethan gets to go to school!! May God bless the anonymous donor.
And I'm more than a little gape-mouthed at the PT's comments. I'm SO GLAD she's getting into a different profession! Whose fault does she think it is that he has made no progress??? And then to just decide that he can just "get along" for the rest of his life... grrrr
How MEAN and thoughtless of her to say that! Grrr ...
But what a BLESSING to get that donation. He looks like SUCH a sweet, happy boy and he is lucky to have such a loving family.
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